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tv   The Daily Briefing With Dana Perino  FOX News  December 20, 2017 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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going to get to talk about that with the lawmakers who helped him put that into motion today. tax cuts jobs act voted yes. i'm harris. here's dana. >> dana: lawmakers heading to the white house as president trump plans to celebrate a big victory on tax reform. final passage came today after it cleared the senate with a 51-48 party line vote overnight. i'm dana perino and this is "the daily briefing." buses are standing by to take republican lawmakers to the white house marking the president's first major piece of legislation. we have team fox coverage. chief white house correspondent john roberts is standing by. first let's go to peter doocy is
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on capitol hill. i wonder if you'll be running behind trying to get the interview, as you tried yesterday. >> reporter: i don't know if the capitol police would be that happy if i tried to do that. we have been watching. there are staffers that are standing with vp list, checking names off as lawmakers walk on to these buses parked right at the steps of the house chamber where they just went in. for the second day in a row voted on this tax proposal. they were able to pass it with republican votes only. so here's a look at what will be the law of the land, the transformed tax code once president trump signs it. corporate tax rate gets a big cut from 35% to 21%. anybody making between $49,000 and $86,000 gets an average cut of $930. anybody making $86,000 to $149,000 gets an average cut of
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$1800. lot of these cuts do go away in 2026 unless a future congress decides they want to extend them. then, of course, salt writeoffs decrease. those are the state and local taxes that now can only be capped at $10,000. that is why a lot of republicans from high tax state, new jersey, new york, ended up not supporting this measure. but it did still pass easily both days. i have been looking, dana. they've got it pushed back. we did see chairman brady, who was huge behind the scenes at getting this plan through. but having a hard time getting anybody to talk to us. i don't think they want to be late for the president. >> dana: i know that firsthand. you want to be early. let me ask you one thing. we see a lot of the jubilance of republicans. i'm wondering if you've talked
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to any democrats, members of the house, and whether they are feeling frustrated or if they're fired up. they knew this victory was a possibility. now they feel like they have something to fight against. >> reporter: they are still fighting against this bill. the bill has not been signed into law. a big part of their argument, we heard this before at a press event with democratic leadership. they just are trying to maintain for the public, who may be voting based on whether or not they like this tax plan or not. if it ends up being the big legislative accomplishment of this congress. they're making the argument that it's only good for rich people. listen to this. >> so what we're doing here today is basically saying, wealthy americans, big fat christmas present for you. tiny tim, we're taking your crutch away from you and all the other kids in this country and we're putting a lump of coal into your christmas stocking.
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>> reporter: so that was a christmas specific attack on the republican tax plan. again, democrats not able to stop it either day that they voted on it. >> dana: peter doocy, thank you. right now at the white house they're setting up for a big celebration. john roberts is live on the north lawn. looked like the weather cooperated, too. >> reporter: it is a beautiful day. little cool breeze coming across the lawn. the sun is shining. it will be good for a south lawn event as the president is going to welcome dozens of republican members of congress for a victory lap celebration given today's successful vote in the house. following successful votes in the house and the senate yesterday. the president said he would have liked to have had democrats over, but since none of them voted for the bill, it is limited only to the republicans. president talking about this in length in the cabinet room, of what will be his last cabinet meeting of 2017. the president also revealing a
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little known fact about obamacare in this bill. this bill repeals the tax penalty involved in the individual mandate in obamacare. the president saying just a little while ago that this effectively repeals obamacare and he didn't really want members of congress talking about that aspect of the bill. listen to what he said here. >> obamacare has been repealed in this bill. we didn't want to bring it up. i told people specifically be quiet with the fake news media because i don't want them talking too much about it. 'cause i didn't know how -- but now that it's approved i can say the individual mandate on healthcare where you had to pay not to have insurance. think about that. you pay not to have insurance. the individual mandate has been repealed. >> reporter: the president also pointed to a section of the bill that opens up a portion of the national wild life refuge to oil drilling. this is something, dana, you are intimately familiar with. the bush administration wanted to do, but ran into a fire storm
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of criticism. alaska senator lisa murkowski asked for and got a provision to open up a section of anwar. >> we're going to start drilling in anwar. we did that at the request of the two great senators from the state of alaska, which is a very special place. but i will tell you, anwar is a big, big deal. it's not ever mentioned by the press. that was fine until now. now you can mention it. >> reporter: so here's the timetable going forward. this afternoon we've got tpha celebration on the south lawn of the white house where the president will welcome all the republican members of congress. then the bill will be enrolled and sent to president trump. that might happen by friday afternoon. might take another day or two after that. then there's a white house review. we don't know how long this will take, but at least a couple of days. then the bill will go to the president to sign it. i'm told at this point it's likely he'll sign it next week. don't know if it will be in mar
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a-largo. and then a post signing event the first week of january. some of the timing is going to depend on what happens with the deal to keep the government open with the spending bill. the white house is fully confident it will get a continuing resolution. it will keep the government funded through january 19th. and as part of that spending bill, it will get waivers to what's called pay go just a brief outline here. pay go demands that if you cut taxes, the cost of this tax cut is paid for by cutting entitlements like medicare and other benefits like that. but congress typically waives those pay go aspects. but democrats are making noise that they are not going to issue waivers. so if they don't get those waivers in a spending bill, that might push the signing of this to 2018 because if the president signs it this year, those pay go cuts would kick in this year. if he wouldn't sign it until the beginning of the year, the pay go gcuts will go into effect
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2019. >> dana: if you want to learn about pay go, this is the show. john roberts, thank you very much. >> reporter: all right. thank you. >> dana: my next guest is about to board a bus to the white house where president trump will welcome republican lawmakers who passed his tax bill. joining us now is house majority whip steve scalise. i should offer you congratulations, sir. what do you think the difference is between where president trump and the house republicans started last january in a relakesship that seemed fairly tense and then going through all of the season, at the end of the year being able to celebrate this victory today? >> we've been working very closely with president trump throughout this process. he made it very clear from the beginning, he wants to make sure middle class families see real tax relief. under this bill they will get it. you're going to see the economy take off like nothing we have seen in a generation. you are already seeing the stock market respond positively just on the assumption that the bill
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would have gotten passed. now that it is passed and the president will sign it shortly, you're gonna see companies hire. you're gonna see wages go up, economic growth which equates to more jobs and more money in the pockets of families. they know how to spend it better than these liberal washington elites that are so upset that we passed it. >> dana: i know that you all were under a lot of pressure from companies that wanted the corporate tax rate cut. this is something that a lot of democrats wanted. they knew that rate was high and making us uncompetitive in the world. but if those benefits don't come, will you put pressure back on them, those corporations who are going to benefit from this? >> well, first of all, if you believe in economic growth and free market and you believe in the kind of economy that we are seeing already take off, you're gonna see a lot of those companies bring those jobs back
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to america. you know this real well, dana. because america has the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world, it's literally killed jobs where we would see big company after big company move thousands of jobs out of the country. we end that. we cut the rate down to where we could be the leader of the world again. you'll see new manufacturing plants be built in america instead of foreign countries. that means really good jobs for people. people get that. people see these companies moving jobs overseas. they were calling on congress to fix it. democrats tried to stand in the way, but we weren't going to be denied that opportunity for those families that want these jobs, who passed the bill. it will be really good for the economy and good for middle class families. >> dana: there were 12 republicans who voted no on the bill. house republicans mostly in states where they think their constituents will see tax increases or they're just not happy with the bill. democrats seem like they've got the wind at their back. i actually heard somebody say to
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me this morning that they think it's possible that those 12 seats are actually quite vulnerable for republicans and they're going to target them and that gets them halfway to taking back the majority. what do you think of that? >> well, they've been saying that for the last three cycles. we know it will be a tough election next year, but we've got a great bill that's gonna jolt the economy. when people see their pay checks going up. people going back to work. that's going to be something that the democrats opposed every step of the way. if you look at obama care, they lost their majority in part because of obama care because they raised taxes on families and they had more government control telling you what you can and can't buy and what you have to buy. in our bill, we cut taxes. we go in the opposite direction. that's what families have been calling for for years. just get the economy back on track so we have confidence that we can maybe go and buy a new home or add on or put more money in our college savings account
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for our kids. we're getting washington out of their way and making our country competitive again. we're gonna benefit from that because we delivered something important for the american people. >> dana: i know the senate can frustrate the house because it's slower. it is amazing to me, having worked on energy issues back in my previous life to see anwar being opened up in this bill. blows me away. president talking about it in the cabinet meeting. not being afraid of the backlash they'll get from environmental groups. before i let you go, can i ask you about the spending bill. there's no rest for the weary. you have to start counting votes. nobody really wants a government shutdown. you have people like chairman thornberry who said he wants to get our military funded. how are you going to work this out? >> we're already working on that. chairman thornberry and the speaker has been talking to a lot of his members. we've all been talking to the members of our conference that make sure we get something done
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before we leave. it also includes the supplemental spending bill for those affected by hurricanes and wild fires. section 2 of anwar, you don't see caribou running around with people trying to pursue it. it's a lot of rich reserves that we can explore for more american energy. president trump had it right. this will be about energy dominance where we can stop relying on countries that don't like us. we can export to other countries and make more money. that's what this bill was about. it's about great jobs and getting the economy back on track. i'm proud we were able to get it passed and president trump is going to sign it. look, he's been a champion of this from the very beginning. it will be a big win for the president that he will deliver to the american people for christmas. >> dana: i don't want to be the one to make you late for the white house. congressman steve scalise, thank you. republicans about to take a victory lap on taxes.
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the latest as lawmakers head to the white house for a party. plus looking ahead to 2020. chris stirewalt will be here telling us about democrats heading to iowa for the next presidential campaign. [ keyboard clacking ]
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[ click ] [ keyboard clacking ] [ clacking continues ] good questions lead to good answers.
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our advisors can help you find both. talk to one today and see why we're bullish on the future. yours. >> dana: in less than an hour republicans are set to hold a news conference to celebrate passage of the republican tax plan. standing by on capitol hill to take the congregation to 1600 pennsylvania avenue. let's bring in the editor of halftime report, chris stirewalt. would you say up or down to the white house? i think down to the white house. >> i would say down. >> dana: you go up to the hill. >> madisonian separation of powers guy so i would say down to the white house, up to the hill. >> dana: there was a school of
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thought that tax reform was going to be much more difficult than health care reform for republicans to pass. turns out not to be the case. what do you think is the major difference between how republicans started the year, sort of at logger heads with president trump and his staff often saying that they were -- those republicans aren't backing the president's agenda, to today the final moment in washington together before the holidays, having a chance to be victorious. >> welsh part of it is, this is a real contraption that the republicans have put together. to get the tax cut done and get around all of the rules of the senate parliamentarian. this thing has more kinks in it than an old garden hose. and what they're going to have to do is keep coming back to this legislation over and over. you were talking to john roberts the president can't really sign it this year. he probably needs to wait until next year or it creates this consequence that is automatic
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cuts to entitlement programs if they do it. so the way this was easier than obamacare -- not to take anything away from their accomplishment. this is their success. i don't mean to take anything away from their political accomplishment. they were able to use more creative accounting and things to get this done because they all agreed on what they wanted. then the wizards of the procedure and parliamentarian made a way to make it hang together. >> dana: it's only the end of the president's first year, but already people are looking ahead to 2020, the next presidential election. not republicans so much, but democrats are. in iowa the mayor of new york city, he's going to be giving a speech to the holiday party there in iowa, which is kind of a big deal. this comes at a time when gallop showed yesterday something i thought was remarkable. hillary clinton is more unpopular than last year. her favorability rating has
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fallen to a new low of 36% while her unfavorable rating has hit a new high of 63%. how are the democrats going to navigate this? >> she may lose the 2016 election. i'm not sure. with numbers like that, she may. oh, wait, she lost. >> dana: can i hold you there for just a moment? chuck shumer is giving a press conference. >> -- don't lead to job creation. they lead to big ceo salaries and money for the very very wealthy. and finally, senator mcconnell touted the repeal of the individual mandate. that's true. and now our republican friends will own premium increases on millions of middle class families. to many of them the increase they're going to have to pay in health insurance -- >> dana: that was chuck shumer giving a press conference up on capitol hill, talking about the
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tax bill. do we still have chris stirewalt with us? it's pretty much the talking point they've been using all along. not to say republicans don't have talking points. they do. i want to ask you about iowa. you have this parade of new york democrats headed there as they sort of put their toe in the water about running for president in 2020. >> well, republicans certainly will have -- i would expect president trump to have a primary challenge. but the democrats are looking at a field where they're going to have 15, 20, 22 candidates. they're going to have -- people will be crawling out of the woodwork because it's an open seat for them. they don't have a presumptive nominee by any stretch of the imagination. >> dana: they don't even really have a message. chris, they're wrapping me. >> no problem. >> dana: i'll talk to you on the pod cast today. we'll be right back. to most people, i look like most people.
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>> dana: we are waiting a live event at the white house. we'll bring that to you live as soon as it happens. the president's push for tax reform sparking a flurry of criticism from the left. some celebrities voicing their unhappiness including bette midler. hard to believe there is not one single patriot willing to release trump's tax forms. this is gonna cost me a lot of money. what a fraud. let's bring in kyle smith. you've been covering all sorts of shenanigans from the left and hollywood about president trump. what's your take on the year as it stands? >> there's a real trump derangement syndrome. they can't wrap their minds
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around what happened. they all donated to hillary clinton. one of the strangest things i have seen this year. i have got a theater. a show in central park. instead of caesar wearing a toga he comes out wearing a blue suit, red tie, orangey poofy hair. they were all wearing make america great again hats. >> dana: you also mentioned american horror story. you said trump vexing all of hollywood. take a look. >> it is now official. donald trump is the next president of the united states. >> since election night it has been getting worse. >> people can express themselves. it does feel like a little bit over the top. >> this is about trump
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derainment syndrome. you're turning over the rock. this show begins with a lesbian couple on election night. they're freaking out that because of trump they will not stay married any more, no one will get an abortion any more. we're all gonna get killed. it's a very good satire of where they were. handmaid's tale is gonna happen. they can't get past this idea that trump is going to be here for awhile and they have to do something with their anger. >> dana: rosie o'donnell tweeted. she basically offered $2 million to senator susan colins if they will vote no. they won't be for the super rich. there have been jokes about her breaking the law. you can't bribe a member of
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congress. what happens to the left if this does not materialize? does he benefit from their overreaction? >> not really. they have the whole media on their side. no matter how little or how normal things are happening in washington, they're gonna make it look like it's genocide. ben shapiro sent out a funny tweet yesterday saying how is the republican tax reform going to kill everybody when net neutrality already called them the day before. set your hair on fire, run around screaming your head off. this tax reform means tax cuts for the vast majority of americans. if there's anything normal about the republican party, it's cutting taxes. this is not abnormal. this is just routine gop stuff. >> dana: you think they'll continue to do it because they make money off of it? this is the popular way to be in hollywood? >> stephen colbert's show was dying. he was about to be cancelled. he's in big big trouble doing sort of comedy public affairs stuff. he turned it on to a full on
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trump assault. same with saturday night live. jimmy fallon has kind of settled in. >> dana: kyle smith, great to have you. i encourage everyone to follow him on twitter as well. lawmakers going to the white house to celebrate passing their tax cut bill. and a bus killing american tourists. where the bus was heading and why it flipped over. in the water, in the water
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>> dana: the president talking up a major victory as he tpwaoeurts republicans to join him at the white house. the nonpartisan tax policy center estimates eight in ten americans will pay lower taxes next year. 5% will pay more. but a recent poll finding only 17% think they are actually getting tax cuts. josh holmes is a founding partner of calvary llc. juan williams is a co-host on the five. thanks for being here. let me play a clip from the "today" show which indicates the republicans frustration with the perception of this bill. here's savannah guthrie. >> are you living in a fantasy world? >> i would compare that to surveys of businesses like the manufacture surveys which show the vast majority of businesses are going to do just what we say. reinvest in their workers. reinvest in their factories. pay people more money, higher
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wages. >> dana: you've been around the communications effort of republicans over the years and trying to talk about tax reform, spending, all these things. has this been one of the worst examples, this past several months, about what's in this bill? >> i mean, the media coverage of this has been so atkpwraoepblgous it's unbelievable. belied by tall facts in what this tax relief is. it is middle class tax relief with important business tax relief that provides jobs and higher wages for the country. something we've been looking for for an awfully long time. if you look at the front pages of what we've heard over the last, you know, two, three month, you would think this was a tax cut exclusively for the rich. that it's exclusively going to a small noir row amount of the population who is just gonna sit on it and let the rest of the population wither. it could not be further from the truth. yet here we are at the end of this and said oh gosh why is it so unpopular?
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i don't know. maybe that's because that's all they've talked about. >> dana: buss from the senate side leaving to take the republican senators up to the white house so that they can have a press conference and speech with president trump. juan, what happened for democrats if the economics don't bear out the way they think they will? will they end up not having anything to run on in 2018? >> the opposite thing. what you've got here is a situation where the american people are able to put in their income, enter it into a computer and say, how do i come out in terms of this so called tax cut/tax reform deal? they see they're not getting very much. what they were promised was big tax cuts for working class, middle class americans and they're not the beneficiaries of most of this tax deal. as we know, 80% of this tax deal right now goes to the top 1%. more than that to the top 0.1%. >> dana: that's eight in ten
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americans are getting a tax cut. eight in ten americans aren't 1%. >> they are a very small percentage. what i hear from you and josh is a attacks on the media, everybody is misinterpreting. you can't say the american people -- the american people elected donald trump. they didn't think the press was friendly to trump. now guess what? here comes trump and the republicans saying here's a great tax deal. merry christmas america. americans know this is no christmas deal for them. >> dana: before i lose you, josh, i know you said it with your eyes. let me ask you something, josh, which is steve bannon said he wanted a primary. all of the senate republican incumbents up for re-election in 2018 because they are not supporting president trump. now you have a victory lap supporting not just the tax reform piece, but also anwar and the repeal of the individual mandate. does steve bannon still have a
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point to make that republicans aren't supporting president trump? >> he's got no point at all. this under scores the entire project. it is a vanity project to promote steve bannon. if you want to look at who's supporting president trump's agenda. it's the republican congress. mitch mcconnell. speaker ryan. president trump working with rank and file republicans to get big ticket items done. this is a big day for the republican party and a big day for america with these results. >> dana: juan, do you think it's better if republicans look like they are more divided? if you're a democrat, do you want the republicans to look like they're having problems? or is it better to say, look at them as a whole, as a group, so you can't take anybody away? >> from the democrats perspective, dana, this is -- for the democrat, they're going
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to associate anybody running on the gop ticket with donald trump and his tax cut deal. they've seen as a whole. i must say i agree with josh on this. i just think bannon's got his own agenda. i'm not sure it's republican. not mitch mcconnell or paul ryan's agenda. >> dana: is it supportive of president trump's agenda if this is what he wanted and henneded up getting what he wanted? >> if you want proof of that, right? paul ryan and mitch mcconnell were working to try to deliver the results of today, steve bannon was trying to get an alleged child molester as a nominee for the republican party in alabama pip eel let everybody draw their own conclusions at how effective those two versions of reality are. >> i didn't say it, dana. >> dana: i know you didn't. i'll see you in a couple hours on the five. thank you very much. >> thanks. >> dana: republican senators on the way to the white house and the president's news conference to celebrate passing the gop tax bill. peter doocy is on capitol hill
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where the buss are standing by, peter. >> reporter: and, dana, we've spent the last couple months talking about problems within the republican party they've not able to capitalize on the strength of their numbers. they all just loaded on to a bus together. that just goes to show that this tax cut bill is something that all different kinds of republican, the most conservative, moderate, save a handful from new york, new jersey and california, are all there. they want to be there in the photo op with president trump. we just saw three buses carrying republican senators going down pennsylvania avenue and a few minutes ago the last bus with some straglers from the house who did not get there in time for the first wave of buses all headed down. we should expect to see them all
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smiling with the president, who we heard earlier. >> dana: they're not going to get the best seat at the white house. peter, thank you very much. >> reporter: no, they're not. appreciate it so much. we'll be back in touch with you as the president gets set to give that speech. congress passing tax reform. now it's headed to the president. what does this mean for the gop, the democrats and the american people? >> stock market is up. optimism is high. coupled with this tax reform, america is ready to start reforming as it should have for a number of years.
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>> president trump set to speak at the top of the hour. the white house calling it a celebration of republicans passing their tax plan. it is no doubt the biggest change to our nation's tax code in 30 years. obviously not everybody is celebrating. we'll have the president's remarks and reaction from both sides of the political aisle and detail on what it means for your
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money. that's all ahead on shepard smith reporting. see you then. >> dana: as my friend shep just said, the president set to speak soon at the white house. joining me now is corey gardner who chairs the national republic senatorial committee. congratulations. this is something that i imagine as the chair, you were hoping you had something to go home with for the holidays to be able to tell republican constituents we were able to get something done. >> look, we said to the voters that we would grow the economy, that we would cut taxes, cut regulations. that's what we've done. that law will be signed in the next couple days by the president and certainly good news to the american people who will be able to keep more of their own money in their pockets. >> dana: do you think that there's any vulnerability for republicans to what democrats are saying? messages were very effective in alabama and virginia and special election force democratic turnout. they're saying this bill is just a give away to the rich. all the talking points they have. is there some concern about turnout for republicans in the
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2018 midterms based on those two special elections? >> for people who oppose the legislation thinking it would only benefit the rich tell that to the 200,000 at&t kphreu employees who are going to get a $1,000 bonus. that's what they just announced. tell that to the charity boeing is going to donate $300 million to because of the tax relief bill. tell that to the infrastructure that is already being announced in terms of increases in capital expend khurs because of the tax relief bill. we're seeing businesses today announce they're spending money in the united states. they're giving back money to employees in the form of bonuses. we'll see it in salaries and wages next year. this is an opportunity for hard working opportunities against colorado and this country. for people who voted against this bill, when august, september, october of next year comes around, they'll be looking at why people are better off than they were and they had nothing to do with it. they opposed people keeping their own money.
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>> dana: that brings me to a couple questions. you think of up in north dakota, one of the democrats that people thought maybe she will end up voting for tax reform. she did not. i don't know if there's a republican challenger there for her yet in 2018. are you working on that? >> we've got a state senator in the race, tom campbell. you've got kevin kramer who continues to look at the race. if you look at somebody like kevin kramer, his polling numbers are ahead. he wins that race today if it were held. i think we have opportunities in north dakota. there's opportunities in missouri. there's tune opportunities across this country given to republicans because people believe this agenda has helped make them better off. we're remembering the forgotten men and women across this country by eliminating regulations. by being focused on the people who live in our communities, not just the people on wall street or hollywood. >> dana: we're looking at a live look at the south lawn of the white house where president trump will join with other republican force this victory lap on tax reform.
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looks like a colorado day. sunny and beautiful there. >> it's always sunny in colorado, that's right. >> dana: we know that. i have got the sun damage to prove it. want to ask you about this poll. nbc washington journal poll shows on the generic ballot, voters prefer for the 2018 midterms, democrats to republicans at 50% to 39%. people look at the generic ballots say that this spells some really big head winds for republicans. so i know that factors into your thinking. how do you expect outside groups maybe to help you with a push in order to try to change those numbers a little bit and prevent a wave of elections. >> if you look at states like in missouri, indiana, north dakota, like west virginia, florida, montana and so many other states, our candidates are ahead. our candidates are in the race. they're winning. this isn't a generic ballot performance for them. they're winning races across the
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country today. and they'll continue to win races by us fulfilling our promises by making sure the american people know they're better off with the agenda we've been able to implement and we will continue to implement with judges who will be guardians of the constitution. what you're going to hear are democrats who opposed the tax relief say they want to increase taxes. they want to bring taxes back. in fact, bernie sanders this past weekend said he wants to claw back the tax cuts. walter mondale, i haven't seen anybody campaign so hard for tax increases since walter mondale lost 49 out of 50 states. >> dana: we all know how that turned out. >> that's right. >> dana: let me ask you one thing that's important to colorado. i guess it will be important in january. how do you see the president and the congress coming to some sort of agreement, what would it look like for these dreamers and the daca bill? >> i think it's very important that we have a bipartisan solution. i don't just mean ten republicans and 50 democrats. i'm talking about a significant number of people on both sides of the aisle who recognize that
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we're going to find a solution for children through no fault of their own were brought into this country. we don't charge a 3-year-old for walking across the neighbor's lawn with felony trespass. that's just not what we do. so we're going to find a solution. there's so many kids that go to school with my daughter. this is the only country that they have ever own, or on remembered because they came here at such a young age. i think working with the white house, republicans and democrats can come up with a solution that this country will be proud of. more importantly, it will be a solution that will begin to fix our broken immigration process. if we do that, it's a solution all americans can be proud of. >> dana: thank you very much, senator from colorado. we'll be back in touch with you as the year goes on. all right. a fox news alert. the recount for a virginia house race ends with a razor thin margin of victory for one candidate and called foul play by the other. three term incumbent republican delegate davidiansy challenging results over a vote not counted, a vote not counted during the
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recounted process. this after officials declared challenger shelly simon the winner by just one vote. but judges that awarded that vote to the republican which means control of the virginia house would be split 50/50 and both parties would have to broker a very rare power sharing agreement. a major achievement from president trump and republicans in congress. with tax reform now a done deal and lawmakers are gathering at the white house there for an event to mark the occasion. we will take you there live once it begins. plus, what does tax reform mean for wall street's record rally? a look at the numbers so far following the big announce phpbts. ok, you just found out you're being audited.
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now what? well, after your first reaction, consider your choices. go it alone, against the irs and its massive resources. hire a law firm, where you're not a priority. call your cpa, who can be required to testify against you. or, call the tax law firm of moskowitz, llp. i went from being a cpa to a tax attorney because our clients needed more. call us, and let us put our 30 years of tax experience to work for you. >> dana: president trump and republican lawmakers meeting at the white house to celebrate the passage of tax reform. reaction is rolling in on wall
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street with the dow close to the 25,000 mark. fox business network live from the new york stock exchange. nicole, are traders feeling optimistic about the tax bill? >> they are feeling optimistic about the tax bill and what it means for growth for our country. they think it's an american bill. they think ultimately that the working man and woman, the middle class, will have more money in their pocket. ultimately two-thirds of these people don't even have $400 for unexpected emergency. so big picture, they think corporations will give back. we heard that from fedex who said they can't raise wages until they get a tax cut. you just heard about at&t. they will be given bonuses to 1,000 bucks to over 200,000 employees. this is the opportunity for growth, for hiring, for jobs. as far as the market, they still feel like the economy is doing well, earnings are doing better. fedex did blow it out of the water today. they're seeing global demand. and we're waiting on the dow at
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25,000 which people think is sooner than later. >> dana: looks like it. just because i have been interested, what are people doing to cash in on the bitcoin mania? >> this is something that has taken our nation by storm. it was less than 1,000 bucks in the beginning of the year. at one exchange it even broke through 20,000 this week. this is an unbelievable story. a search on google, buy bitcoin with credit card. no, don't do that. nobody wants you using your credit card to buy the crypto currency which some people are still cautious about. when we talk about credit card debt, americans have over $1 trillion in outstanding credit card debt. that beat the previous record. i'm not sure that i would advise anybody to use their credit card to buy bitcoin. how about some great american companies? or just the s&p500? >> dana: america listen to nicole petallides. she knows what she speaks about,
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especially don't use your credit card to buy bitcoin. we'll continue to watch the dow right along with you. while we're looking at the south lawn, let's bring back in chris stirewalt. it is a historic day. here you are again. president has gathered the republicans. this is their big moment. do you think that the democrats felt this euphoria when they passed obamacare in february 2010? >> well, this is a less thing. obamacare changed the relationship between the government and governed in a substantial way, profound way. it changed the arch of history in the sense that it said it is a duty of the federal government to see the provision of health insurance for the scitizens. this is a change in the tax code. it is in one sense an enormous, it is historic. it is those things. i'll put it this way, we ought not be surprised that the party that loves cutting taxes the most would be about the business
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of cutting taxes. it's kind of their jam. i know today, at present, on messaging and on stage craft, the ghost of mike bieber is looking down smiling. when this administration had its abortive effort to repeal and replace obamacare, when that went down they had a celebration that turned out to be embarrassing. >> dana: remember the website. didn't work. >> so this time what you've got, they're gonna show a strong republican unity. >> dana: they are. while i have you, we have a couple minutes. president is about to join the republicans for this speech. it's pretty interesting political and pr statement by at&t who just announced in this hour that they are going to give $1,000 in bonuses to over 200,000 employees. i'm glad for those employees. i'm curious what you think about that statement. they want that merge approved. they came into a little bit of a road block there.
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money talks. what do you think at&t is trying to say? >> what they're trying to say, we are nice and we are good and we are excited about spending the tax cuts. the success or failure of this shows whether they take the windfall and give it back or do they keep it for profits. if the companies say great our taxes are lower, we love it, our share holders are going to get richer. or are they going to invest? and what at&t is trying to say is, we're spending it, baby. thanks for the money. don't you worry about us sitting on this cash. >> dana: talking about the midterms with the majority whip and with the national senate kwrorial committee chair, do you think they have less to worry about headed into the 2018 midterms than they did a week ago when they didn't have this passage? >> the remaining question is how do they handle the fiscal cliff
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stuff over the next probably two months? but the truth is, they needed to do something for their base, republican base are more affluent suburban voters. they needed to do something for these people. these people love tax cut spops the republicans have given their base a reason to stick with them next year. >> dana: let me ask you something. i know it is not a perfect example but alabama and virginia, the suburbs turned out and turned out for democrats. especially women in particular. women like a tax cut just as much as anybody else. the will change their mind and keep them in the republican camp? >> midterm elections are base versus base contests. this is the republican party's bid to fire that base back up, to get the suburbanites, come on, come on. forget about the trump stuff. forget about whatever. remember we're the republicans here. low taxes, strong national defense. don't forget about us. and this, i don't think they had a choice in that way, but now
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the challenge for democrats is, can they say to the poor voter, they screwed you over? >> dana: chris stirewalt, thanks for joining us. president trump is about to take the stage so stay with us. >> shepard: a live look at the white house. stand by with us as fox stations join us for live coverage at the white house starting now. good afternoon from fox news in new york. i'm shepard smith on the fox news channel on satellite and cable. at the white house, the president says he's holding a celebration with lawmakers giving the president his first legislative win. during a cabinet meeting today, the president called for the tax vote a historic victory. >> they're going to start seeing the results in february. this bill means more take-home


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